St. Martins Therme & Lodge, Frauenkirchen, Austria - With formwork and scaffolding systems perfectly matched each structural component, the concrete frame could be completely finished in only 9 months.

St. Martins Therme & Lodge
Frauenkirchen, Austria

Hot springs resort with adjacent four-star hotel on Neusiedler Lake



Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: HABAU Hoch- und Tiefbauges. m.b.H., Perg

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Manfred Lehner, Manfred Lehner, Statement
Manfred Lehner, Manfred Lehner, Statement
Manfred Lehner
Senior foreman
The PERI UP shoring system convinced us by its low individual weight and utmost stability. This helps us to achieve fast erection times as well as the moving of whole scaffolding units by crane. Also the decision in favour of SKYDECK and RUNDFLEX was good. Both are simple and flexible systems and with them, you can implement even difficult layout geometries without much effort.

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St. Martins Therme & Lodge, Austria

St. Martins Therme & Lodge, Frauenkirchen, Austria - With formwork and scaffolding systems perfectly matched each structural component, the concrete frame could be completely finished in only 9 months.
St. Martins Therme & Lodge, Frauenkirchen, Austria - With formwork and scaffolding systems perfectly matched each structural component, the concrete frame could be completely finished in only 9 months.