Torre Agbar, Barcelona, Spain - The cylindrical core and facade walls of this 142 m high office building were constructed with PERI ACS self-climbing technology.

Torre Agbar
Barcelona, Spain

Impressive office tower with oval-shaped core and facade walls

Height: 142 m
Storeys: 35 upper floors and 4 basement floors
Construction period: 1999 - 2004



Pilvelõhkujad ja kõrghooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Dragados, Barcelona, Spain

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Torre Agbar Statement - Luis Danoz, Construction manager
Torre Agbar Statement - Luis Danoz, Construction manager
Luis Danoz
Construction manager
The safety and fastness of the PERI systems have really impressed me, because despite the difficult structure of the building, we were able to complete one floor height every five days, in a regular cycle. I don’t think there is any other system that would have made a similarly high output possible!

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Torre Agbar, Spain

Torre Agbar, Barcelona, Spain - The cylindrical core and facade walls of this 142 m high office building were constructed with PERI ACS self-climbing technology.
Torre Agbar, Barcelona, Spain - The cylindrical core and facade walls of this 142 m high office building were constructed with PERI ACS self-climbing technology.