Karlskirche Church Vienna, Austria - The cantilevered working platform as seen from the visitors platform.

Karlskirche Church, Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Dome refurbishment of the baroque style church including visitor gallery






Projekti osalejad
Klient: Vasko + Partner, Vienna

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Alexander Kvicien, Project Manager
Alexander Kvicien, Project Manager
Alexander Kvicien
Project Manager
In PERI we found an expert partner that was able to realise the architectural and technical requirements without impacting on ongoing church activities.

Seotud tooted

Kas olete huvitatud PERI abist teie järgmisel projektil?

Helista numbrile +372 677 11 00 või kirjuta e-mailile peri@peri.ee


Karlskirche Church, Vienna, Austria

Karlskirche Church Vienna, Austria - The cantilevered working platform as seen from the visitors platform.
Karlskirche Church Vienna, Austria - The cantilevered working platform as seen from the visitors platform.